
Starter Villain

by John Scalzi I love John Scalzi. I think he’s worth every cent of his 10-year, multi-million dollar contract with Tor books. This one was brief. Short, and stand-alone. Didn’t hold a candle to his Old Man’s War series, but few books do, and overall I was much entertained. Charlie’s rich and reclusive uncle has

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Witch King

by Martha Wells Martha Wells has been around the Sci-Fi/Fantasy community for a long time, but it was only relatively recently that she burst into super-stardom (relatively speaking, at least . . . I mean . . . books) with the publication of her Murderbot series. In Witch King, Wells returns to her swords and

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The Book Eaters

by Sunyi Dean If a librarian were to write a book about vampires . . . If a librarian who was sick and tired of vampires were to write a book about vampires, this would be it. There’s no metaphor at work here. The book eaters don’t “consume” books and knowledge through voracious reading. They

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Fifty-Four Pigs

by Philipp Schott Small-town veterinarian Dr. Peter Bannerman is returning home from a house call early one morning when he sees a pig barn on fire.  Before rescue services can arrive, the building explodes, killing all fifty-four heritage breed pigs inside.  A serious enough loss to the owner, Peter’s long-time friend Tom, but things get

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Lavender House

by Lev A.C. Rosen Police Detective Andy Mills believes his life is over after being caught in the raid of a gay bar.  In 1950s San Francisco, this was reason enough for him to be fired, publicly shamed, and targeted for attacks in the street.  When he is approached by a woman who wants to

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The Revivalists

by Christopher Hood I love a good post-apocalyptic road trip story, and The Revivalists provides a reflective modern take on the sub-genre. After the Shark Flu has eliminated at least sixty percent of the humans on earth, Bill and Penelope know they are lucky.  Not only did they both survive, they are also able to communicate

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Legends & Lattes

by Travis Baldree It’s okay to love the fantasy action thriller, and need a break from the violence at the same time. There’s only so much Grimdark that a healthy mind can take before you start needing an escape from the escapism. The Author of this book, Travis Baldree, obviously loves the genre. Magic wielding

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