Zoom Meditation

IL Thursday April 4th  @ 7:00pm CST “Gratitude andMeditation: Tools in Reduce Stress and Anxiety”” Arlene Samsel  Blue Island Public Library 2433 York St Blue Island, IL 60406 708-388-1078×30 –   Dennis – draleigh@blueislandlibrary.org-  (ZOOM)

Gratitude and Meditation: Tools to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

We are living in a time that feels often confusing and stressful. In this fast paced world there are many challenges and constant demands made on our precious time. However, meditation has become increasingly more popular in this day and age. When we learn how to meditate, we find a  peaceful place within our very selves. The practice of meditation contributes to a more positive, healthy lifestyle. It is an invaluable tool helping people reduce stress, gain a deeper sense of fulfillment in life as well as foster greater physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.. It provides many life transforming benefits while reducing stress and anxiety.  By meditating we become relaxed and calm as we come in contact with a state of inner peace and wellbeing.    Join Arlene Samsel for this powerful workshop. 

Brief Bio Arlene Samsel

Arlene Samsel is uniquely qualified and experienced in meditation, public speaking, and the performing arts. She has been an elementary school teacher and has also performed publicly as a musician for many years.  In addition, Arlene was director of a camp where she taught children how to meditate. 

She has been meditating for 25 years and has given many meditation workshops and retreats which has enabled her to speak firsthand about the crucial role of meditation in enhancing the daily lives of busy people. Arlene and her husband have raised a family of 3 children and reside in New Brighton, Minnesota.

IL Thursday April 25th   @ 7:00pm CST (8:00pm EST) “Meditation: Connecting to the Peace Within”” Sangeeta Sinha  Blue Island Public Library 2433 York St Blue Island, IL 60406 708-388-1078×30 –   Dennis – draleigh@blueislandlibrary.org-  (ZOOM)

“Meditation: Connecting to the Peace Within”

Medical research has uncovered amazing facts about meditation and the body-mind-spirit connection. Join Sangeeta Sinha, MBA, M. Ed   long time meditator , to learn about how meditation can be used to minimize the effects of stress, speed healing and enable you to tap into the peace within. Learn the tools needed to make meditation part of daily life. The program will include a “meditation sitting” and a question-and-answer discussion period.

 Sangeeta Sinha Biographical Summary

Sangeeta Sinha, MBA, M. Ed strongly believes in incorporating meditation  into  one’s daily life to attain peace and joy.

She has been a teacher of computer science, math and information technology and has taught this to school and college students in India, Saudi Arabia and America.  Sangeeta has been working in the field of Information Technology for over 20 years.

She has been active in teaching children how to meditate, conducting meditation workshops both for the general public as well as for colleagues at work. Sangeeta holds an MBA and M.Ed., from Wright State University.  She has a daughter and son and plays sitar as a hobby.

IL Thursday May 23rd @ 7:00pm CST (4:00pm PST)Meditation for Optimal Well Being” with Bruce Faithwick

“MEDITATION FOR OPTIMAL WELL BEING”                                                                                          

People have been practicing meditation for centuries and today we see a surge in its popularity as new benefits continue to be discovered. It is recognized how meditation can help the body, mind and spirit. Incorporating meditation into one’s life has many positive effects. Join Bruce Faithwick who has been meditating regularly for over 40 years and offering these inspiring programs. Learn a simple meditation technique that can help you in all aspects of your life.

Brief Bio Bruce Faithwick

Bruce Faithwick  is a successful business consultant in the software industry.   He has many years of product management and marketing experience.  He has a degree in Economics from the University of California.

Bruce currently provides workshops and training to groups in the California area where he connects meditation and self-development to important aspects of our lives. He has been meditating for over 40 years and now focuses much of his time on his own personal development and in helping others who wish to do the same. If you have ever attended one of Bruce’s workshops, you know how special they are.


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Zoom Meditation
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May 23 2024


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm




Dennis Raleigh
708-388-1078 ext. 30

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